6. FAQ

6.1. How do I build and run a single test of the UFS Weather Model?

An efficient way to build and run the UFS Weather Model is to use the regression test (rt.sh). This script is widely used by model developers on Tier 1 and 2 platforms and is described in the UFS WM GitHub wiki. The advantages to this approach are:

  • It does not require a workflow, pre- or post-processing steps.

  • The batch submission script is generated.

  • Any required input data is already available for machines used by the regression test.

  • Once the rt.sh test completes, you will have a working copy in your run directory where you can make modifications to the namelist and other files, and then re-run the executable.

The steps are:

  1. Clone the source code and all the submodules as described in Section 3.2, then go into the tests directory:

    cd ufs-weather-model (or the top level where you checked out the code)
    cd tests
  2. Find a configure (*.conf) file that contains the machine and compiler you are using. For this example, the Intel compiler on Cheyenne is used. To create a custom configure file, two lines are needed: a COMPILE line and a RUN line. The COMPILE line should contain the name of the machine and compiler cheyenne.intel and the desired SUITES for the build. Choose a RUN line under this COMPILE command that uses the desired SUITE. For example:

    COMPILE | 32BIT=Y CCPP=Y STATIC=Y SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2,FV3_GFS_v16beta,FV3_GFS_v15p2_no_nsst,FV3_GFS_v16beta_no_nsst                     | standard    | cheyenne.intel | fv3
    RUN     | fv3_ccpp_gfs_v16beta                                                                                                           | standard    |                | fv3         |

    Put these two lines into a file called my_test.conf. The parameters used in this run can be found in the fv3_ccpp_gfs_v16beta file in the ufs-weather-model/tests/tests directory.


    These two lines are long and may not appear in entirety in your browser. Scroll to the right to see the entire line.

  3. Modify the rt.sh script to put the output in a run directory where you have write permission:

    if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then stanza:

    This works for Cheyenne, since $USER/FV3_RT will be appended. Also check that RTPWD points to a diretory that exists:

    if [[ $MACHINE_ID = cheyenne.* ]]; then
  4. Run the rt.sh script from the tests directory:

    ./rt.sh -k -l my_test.conf >& my_test.out &

    Check my_test.out for build and run status, plus other standard output. Check /glade/scratch/$USER/FV3_RT/rt_PID for the model run, where PID is a process ID. The build will take about 10-15 minutes and the run will be fast, depending on how long it waits in the queue. A message "REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL" will be written to this file, along with other entertainment: 'Elapsed time: 00h:14m:12s. Have a nice day!'.

  5. When the build and run are complete, modify the namelist or model_configure files and re-run by submitting the job_card file:

    qsub job_card

6.2. How do I change the length of the model run?

In your run directory, there is a file named model_configure. Change the variable nhours_fcst to the desired number of hours.

6.3. How do I select the file format for the model output (netCDF or NEMSIO)?

In your run directory, there is a file named model_configure. Change the variable output_file to 'netcdf' or 'nemsio'. The variable output_file if only valid when the write component is activated by setting quilting to .true. in the model_configure file.