8. FAQ

8.1. How do I build and run a single test of the UFS Weather Model?

An efficient way to build and run the UFS Weather Model is to use the regression test (rt.sh). This script is widely used by model developers on Tier 1 and 2 platforms and is described in the UFS WM GitHub wiki. The advantages to this approach are:

  • It does not require a workflow, pre- or post-processing steps.

  • The batch submission script is generated.

  • Any required input data is already available for machines used by the regression test.

  • Once the rt.sh test completes, you will have a working copy in your run directory where you can make modifications to the namelist and other files, and then re-run the executable.

The steps are:

  1. Clone the source code and all the submodules as described in Section 3.4, then go into the tests directory:

    cd ufs-weather-model (or the top level where you checked out the code)
    cd tests
  2. Find a configure (*.conf) file that contains the machine and compiler you are using. For this example, the Intel compiler on Derecho is used. To create a custom configure file, two lines are needed: a COMPILE line and a RUN line. The COMPILE line should contain the name of the machine and compiler derecho.intel and the desired SUITES for the build. Choose a RUN line under this COMPILE command that uses the desired SUITE. For example:

    COMPILE | 32BIT=Y CCPP=Y STATIC=Y SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2,FV3_GFS_v16beta,FV3_GFS_v15p2_no_nsst,FV3_GFS_v16beta_no_nsst                     | standard    | derecho.intel | fv3
    RUN     | fv3_ccpp_gfs_v16beta                                                                                                           | standard    |                | fv3         |

    Put these two lines into a file called my_test.conf. The parameters used in this run can be found in the fv3_ccpp_gfs_v16beta file in the ufs-weather-model/tests/tests directory.


    These two lines are long and may not appear in entirety in your browser. Scroll to the right to see the entire line.

  3. Modify the rt.sh script to put the output in a run directory where you have write permission:

    if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho.* ]]; then stanza:

    This works for Derecho, since $USER/FV3_RT will be appended. Also check that RTPWD points to a diretory that exists:

    if [[ $MACHINE_ID = derecho.* ]]; then
  4. Run the rt.sh script from the tests directory:

    ./rt.sh -k -l my_test.conf >& my_test.out &

    Check my_test.out for build and run status, plus other standard output. Check /glade/scratch/$USER/FV3_RT/rt_PID for the model run, where PID is a process ID. The build will take about 10-15 minutes and the run will be fast, depending on how long it waits in the queue. A message "REGRESSION TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL" will be written to this file, along with other entertainment: 'Elapsed time: 00h:14m:12s. Have a nice day!'.

  5. When the build and run are complete, modify the namelist or model_configure files and re-run by submitting the job_card file:

    qsub job_card

8.2. How do I change the length of the model run?

In your run directory, there is a file named model_configure. Change the variable nhours_fcst to the desired number of hours.

8.3. How do I set the output history interval?

The interval at which output (history) files are written is controlled in two places, and depends on whether you are using the write component to generate your output files. Table 8.1 describes the relevant variables. If the write_component is used, then the variables listed as model_configure are required. It is however, also required that the settings in input.nml match those same settings in model_configure. If these settings are inconsistent, then unpredictable output files and intervals may occur!

Table 8.1 Namelist variables used to control the output file frequency.

Namelist variable


Default Value





Array with dimension maxhr = 4096 listing the diagnostic output times (in hours) for the GFS physics. This can either be a list of times after initialization, or an interval if only the first entry is nonzero. The default setting of 0 will result in no outputs.




The maximal forecast time for output.




The maximal forecast hour for high frequency output.




Output frequency during forecast time from 0 to fhmax, or from fhmaxhf to fhmax if fhmaxf>0.




The high frequency output frequency during the forecast time from 0 to fhmaxhf hour.




forecast length of high history file




high history file output frequency




history file output frequency

8.4. How do I turn off IO for the components of the coupled model?

8.4.1. FV3atm restart and history files

To turn off FV3atm restart files, set the restart_interval in model_configure to a value greater than the forecast length.

To turn off history files, in model_configure there are two options:

  • Set quilting to .false., then in diag_table, remove the history output file definitions fv3_history and fv3_history2d and the associated fields. This will turn off the write_grid component and the number of tasks used by FV3atm must also be adjusted to remove the tasks assigned to the write grid component.

  • Set quilting to .true., then in model_configure set write_dopost to .false. and set output_fh to a value greater than the forecast length. This will turn off the writing of output but the write grid component tasks will still be necessary.

8.4.2. MOM6, CICE6 and CMEPS restart files

In ufs.configure, set the ALLCOMP_attribute restart_n to a value greater than the forecast length.

8.4.3. MOM6 history files

In the diag_table file, remove the ocn and SST history output file definitions and fields.

MOM6 history output speed can also be increased by setting the IO_LAYOUT parameter in INPUT/MOM_input.


8.4.4. CICE history files

In the CICE namelist ice_in, set the histfreq to none with

histfreq = 'x','x','x','x','x'

The initial condition file can be turned off using

write_ic = .false.

8.4.5. GOCART history files

In AERO_HISTORY.rc, remove all the fields listed in COLLECTIONS


8.4.6. WW3 history and restart files

In ww3_shel.inp, change the output interval for gridded frequency from 3600 to 0 on line 68. To turn off point output, change the output frequency from 900 to 0 on line 296. To turn off restart files, change the frequency from 3600 to 0 on line 321.

8.5. How do I set the total number of tasks for my job?

In the UFS WM, each component’s MPI task information, including the starting and ending tasks and the number of threads, are specified using the component-specific petlist_bounds and omp_num_threads in ufs.configure. In general, the total number of MPI tasks required is the sum of all the sub-component tasks, as long as those components do not overlap (i.e., share the same PETs). An example of a global 5 component coupled configuration ufs.configure at the end of this section.

8.5.1. FV3atm

The FV3atm component consists of one or more forecast grid components and write grid components.

The MPI tasks for the forecast grid components are specified in the layout variable in one or more namelist files input*.nml (e.g. input.nml and input_nest02.nml). The total number of mpi tasks required is given by the product of the specified layout, summed over all domains. For example, for a global domain with 6 tiles and layout = 6,8, the total number required is 6*6*8 = 288. For two regional domains using input.nml and input_nest02.nml, each with layout = 6,10, the total required is the sum 6*10 + 6*10 = 120.

For the global configuration, an additional requirement is that the layout specified must be a multiple of the blocksize parameter in input.nml. For example, using layout=8,8 for C96 yields subdomains of 12 x 12. The subdomain product is 12*12 = 144, which is not divisible by a blocksize=32. Therefore, the C96 does not support an 8,8 layout for a blocksize of 32. If layout = 4,6, the subdomain product is 24*16 = 384, which is divisible by a blocksize=32. A layout of 4,6 is supported for C96 with a blocksize of 32.

The FV3atm will utilize the write grid component if quilting is set to .true. In this case, the required mpi tasks for the write grid components is the product of the write_groups and the write_tasks_per_group in the model_configure file.

quilting:                .true.
write_groups:            1
write_tasks_per_group:   60

In the above case, the write grid component requires 60 tasks.

The total number of MPI ranks for FV3atm is the sum of the forecast tasks and any write grid component tasks.

total_tasks_atm = forecast tasks +  write grid component tasks

If ESMF-managed threading is used, the total number of PETs for the atmosphere component is given by the product of the number of threads requested and the total number of MPI ranks (both forecast and write grid component). If num_threads_atm is the number of threads specified for the FV3atm component, in ufs.configure the ATM PET bounds are given by

ATM_petlist_bounds     0 total_tasks_atm*num_threads_atm-1
ATM_omp_num_threads    num_threads_atm

Note that in UWM, the ATM component is normally listed first in ufs.configure so that the starting PET for the ATM is 0.

8.5.2. GOCART

GOCART shares the same grid and forecast tasks as FV3atm but it does not have a separate write grid component in its NUOPC CAP. Also, while GOCART does not have threading capability, it shares the same data structure as FV3atm and so it has to use the same number of threads used by FV3atm. Therefore, the total number of MPI ranks and threads in GOCART is the same as the those for the FV3atm forecast component (i.e., excluding any write grid component). Currently GOCART only runs on the global forecast grid component, for which only one namelist is needed.

total_tasks_chm = FV3atm forecast tasks

CHM_petlist_bounds:             0 total_tasks_chm*num_threads_atm-1
CHM_omp_num_threads:            num_threads_atm

8.5.3. CMEPS

The mediator MPI tasks can overlap with other components and in UFS the tasks are normally shared on the FV3atm forecast tasks. However, a large number of tasks for the mediator is generally not recommended since it may cause slow performance. This means that the number of MPI tasks for CMEPS is given by

total_tasks_med = smaller of (300, FV3atm forecast tasks)

and in ufs.configure

MED_petlist_bounds:             0 total_tasks_med*num_threads_atm-1
MED_omp_num_threads:            num_threads_atm

8.5.4. MOM6

For MOM6 the only restriction currently on the number of MPI ranks used by MOM6 is that it is divisible by 2. The starting PET in ufs.configure will be the last PET of the preceding component, incremented by one. Threading in MOM6 is not recommended at this time.

OCN_petlist_bounds:             starting_OCN_PET  total_tasks_ocn+starting_OCN_PET-1
OCN_omp_num_threads:            1

8.5.5. CICE

CICE requires setting the decomposition shape, the number of requested processors and the calculated block sizes in the ice_in namelist. In UFS, the decomposition shape is always SlenderX2, except for the 5 deg configuration, which is SlenderX1.

For SlenderX2 decomposition, a given nprocs, and global domain nx_global, ny_global, the block sizes are given by

block_size_y = ny_global/2
block_size_x = nx_global/(nprocs/2)

Similarily, for SlenderX1

block_size_y = ny_global
block_size_x = nx_global/nprocs

For the 1-deg CICE domain for example, ice_in would be

nprocs            = 10
nx_global         = 360
ny_global         = 320
block_size_x      = 72
block_size_y      = 160
max_blocks        = -1
processor_shape   = 'slenderX2'

In UFS, only a single thread is used for CICE so for nprocs set in ice_in, the tasks in ufs.configure are set as:

ICE_petlist_bounds:            starting_ICE_PET  nprocs+starting_ICE_PET-1
ICE_omp_num_threads:           1

The starting ICE PET in ufs.configure will be the last PET of the preceding component, incremented by one.

8.5.6. WW3

The WW3 component requires setting only the MPI ranks available for WW3 and the number of threads to be used.

WAV_petlist_bounds:         starting_WAV_PET  num_tasks_wav*num_threads_wav+starting_WAV_PET-1
WAV_omp_num_threads:        num_threads_wav

The starting WAV PET in ufs.configure will be the last PET of the preceding component, incremented by one.

8.5.7. Example: 5-component ufs.configure

For the fully coupled S2SWA application, a sample ufs.configure is shown below :

####  UFS Run-Time Configuration File  #####

# ESMF #
logKindFlag:            ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI
globalResourceControl:  true

  Verbosity = 0

# MED #
MED_model:                      cmeps
MED_petlist_bounds:             0 767
MED_omp_num_threads:            2

# ATM #
ATM_model:                      fv3
ATM_petlist_bounds:             0 863
ATM_omp_num_threads:            2
  Verbosity = 0
  DumpFields = false
  ProfileMemory = false
  OverwriteSlice = true

 # CHM #
 CHM_model:                      gocart
 CHM_petlist_bounds:             0 767
 CHM_omp_num_threads:            2
   Verbosity = 0

 # OCN #
 OCN_model:                      mom6
 OCN_petlist_bounds:             864 983
 OCN_omp_num_threads:            1
   Verbosity = 0
   DumpFields = false
   ProfileMemory = false
   OverwriteSlice = true
   mesh_ocn = mesh.mx025.nc

 # ICE #
 ICE_model:                      cice6
 ICE_petlist_bounds:             984 1031
 ICE_omp_num_threads:            1
   Verbosity = 0
   DumpFields = false
   ProfileMemory = false
   OverwriteSlice = true
   mesh_ice = mesh.mx025.nc
   stop_n = 3
   stop_option = nhours
   stop_ymd = -999

 # WAV #
 WAV_model:                      ww3
 WAV_petlist_bounds:             1032 1191
 WAV_omp_num_threads:            2
   Verbosity = 0
   OverwriteSlice = false
   diro = "."
   logfile = wav.log
   mesh_wav = mesh.gwes_30m.nc
   multigrid = false

 CMEPS warm run sequence
 MED med_phases_prep_ocn_avg
 MED -> OCN :remapMethod=redist
   MED med_phases_prep_atm
   MED med_phases_prep_ice
   MED med_phases_prep_wav_accum
   MED med_phases_prep_wav_avg
   MED -> ATM :remapMethod=redist
   MED -> ICE :remapMethod=redist
   MED -> WAV :remapMethod=redist
   ATM phase1
   ATM -> CHM
   CHM -> ATM
   ATM phase2
   ATM -> MED :remapMethod=redist
   MED med_phases_post_atm
   ICE -> MED :remapMethod=redist
   MED med_phases_post_ice
   WAV -> MED :remapMethod=redist
   MED med_phases_post_wav
   MED med_phases_prep_ocn_accum
 OCN -> MED :remapMethod=redist
 MED med_phases_post_ocn
 MED med_phases_restart_write

# CMEPS variables


  ATM_model = fv3
  ICE_model = cice6
  OCN_model = mom6
  WAV_model = ww3
  history_n = 1
  history_option = nhours
  history_ymd = -999
  coupling_mode = nems_frac
  history_tile_atm = 384
  ScalarFieldCount = 2
  ScalarFieldIdxGridNX = 1
  ScalarFieldIdxGridNY = 2
  ScalarFieldName = cpl_scalars
  start_type = startup
  restart_dir = RESTART/
  case_name = ufs.cpld
  restart_n = 3
  restart_option = nhours
  restart_ymd = -999
  dbug_flag = 0
  use_coldstart = false
  use_mommesh = true
  eps_imesh = 1.0e-1
  stop_n = 6
  stop_option = nhours
  stop_ymd = -999